Let go or try harder

Slikovni rezultat za try harder

We are often put in situations when we have to choose should I let go or try harder.Sometimes is hard to let go but you also have to know if that person is threating your inner peace than it's right time to let go.Why? Because we gave that person more chances than he/she deserves hoping that they'll become better,but they aren't.They mentally and emotionally destroying you.Every time you look at that person memories and fellings are coming back.You are trying to forget them but you just can't.They are ways to let them go.

1. If you want to let go them you should try to see them less.That way your memories and fellings wouldn't coming back that often.Just try to distance yourself from people that hurt you,it will be much easier to forget.

2.You don't want to ignore them,because you'll feel akward and unpleasant.Than you should just talk with them.You should try to explain the pain that they caused,you should be very honest about your feelings.Some of you will think that they aren't strong enough but if you want to feel happy,you should do that.You only live one life,you shouldn't regret nothing and you shouldn't hide your emotions.Be STRONG,be BRAVE.

3.Follow your heart.If you follow your heart you couldn't be wrong,but often your brain will telling you oppossite thing.But no matter what your brain is telling you,you should always follow your heart because at the end of the day you will know that you followed your heart.

Slikovni rezultat za let go

No matter how hard situations sometimes is  we just how to try harder.If we can feel that that person really deserves second chance we should give it.Life isn't always about letting go, it is also about trying hard for people,dreams.They will sometimes hurt you but they are ways to find out are they really deserve second chance.

1.They aren't just  saying sorry with their mouth,they are also saying sorry with their eyes.Look deep at their eyes and you'll find everything that you need.Eyes can speak more than a words.

2.Follow your heart,if you feel that they deserve another chance you should give to them.Even if they hurt you will learn a lesson.Every good day is for nice memory and every bad for good lesson.
Everything is happening for a reason.

Slikovni rezultat za try harder
Don't be affraid of living your life after all you are creator of your own reality.Don't listen to someone mind listen your heart and please don't look at the world with eyes because ˝It's only with the heart that one can see rightly.What is essential is invisible to the eye."


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