
Slikovni rezultat za depressed quotes

Most of the kids are going through some problems in their lifes,but not everybody is going to admit,because they would rather fight their problems,demons alone.They would start asking for some alone time,so that they could figure out what is going on.But the problem is that they will like that alone time,until the point that they will start feeling lonely,soon they will think that nobody likes them,loves them...they will start hating theirselfs and in one point they will start to falling in a depression.Depression is one of the bigger problems in a normal life,but sometimes people doesn't pay much attention to that.In one point of their life  depressed people will reach point that their mentally pain will become too big so they would start transforming it to  physical that is they will begin with SELF-HARM.
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 They aren't doing it because they want attention they are doing it simply because they think that they doesn't deserve to life,they think that they aren't good enough.They will start doing it because they don't love theirselfs, they may seem fine during a day,but at night their demons our coming out,they will probably collapse at their bed putting their head between the pillows so that their screams wouldn't be too loud.

Slikovni rezultat za depressed quotes
Or maybe they will sit on the floor with their back lean on the wall with hands around the head,wishing all kinds of things even the DEATH. And the worst type of sadness when they cry but don't know the reason. And when they are pushing everybody away but all they need want is just one tight hug.And now they are probably somewhere in their room thinking,screaming,crying,maybe even praying for better tomorrow or just ONE just ONE night withouth tears that sleep them in somehow.The night is the WORST time for them because they are finally alone,alone with their thoughts, with tears burning holes in cheeks.So if you know that kind of person just hug them tight telling them at the end everything is going to be fine,no matter what they might say to you just be there for them please.

Slikovni rezultat za depressed quotes
Slikovni rezultat za depressed quotes
                                                                                            DON'T LET THEM FEEL LIKE THAT
Slikovni rezultat za depressed quotesSlikovni rezultat za depressed quotes


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