Life-incredible journey

We are breathing,eating,sleeping,smiling every day but are we living the life.People will say you are breathing that means that you are alive,that you living your life.But do you really living your life? Each and every day for us is new opportunity,new oppurtunitty for living your life,for making new memories,expiriences but at the end of the day we are making decision about how we want to spend our life.If you think that breathing eating... is living the life you are wrong.That kinds of things are making us live but not making us living the life.Life is such a incredible journey,with so many chances,lessons,memories,yet  sometimes we tend to forget about living,enjoing life.Life is really simple but we are making it complicated,life is also very short so don't wake up with regret,don't wake up with thoughts I wish I had done or say something don't think about that you can't go back so why waste your time regreting past is past you can't turn back time.Each day is start of something new,something incredible it,s a blessing to wake up yet we don't honor that.



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