He doesn't love you back
. You love. He hurts you. You think that you're never going to find a person who will love you, someone similar to him. But you do you found someone who isn't similar to him , you found someone even better,someone who will fix your broken heart and someone who will make you feel love again. He makes you feel love like never before and you realize that everything that happend before him isn't worth it. But than. Than it happens same mistake just like before you're giving love but love isn't returnd. But this time you close into yourself, you don't speak with your friends anymore,you're getting in your own world, in world that everything doesn't matter to you anymore in a world that rules by pain,darkness,coldness... You're losing everything you had, you're losing you're BF you're end up alone. Later you're just remembering the past and how it was. But this time you're losing every fellings and desire for life. 😞 👩 ...