
Showing posts from May, 2016

He doesn't love you back

. You love. He hurts you. You think that you're never going to find a person who will love you, someone similar to him. But you do you found someone who isn't similar to him , you found someone even better,someone who will fix your broken heart and someone who will make you feel love again. He makes you feel love like never before and you realize that everything that happend before him isn't worth it. But than. Than it happens same mistake just like before you're giving love but love isn't returnd. But this time you close into yourself, you don't speak with your friends anymore,you're getting in your own world, in world that everything doesn't matter to you anymore in a world that rules by pain,darkness,coldness... You're losing everything you had, you're losing you're BF you're end up alone. Later you're just remembering the past and how it was. But this time you're losing every fellings and desire for life. 😞 👩 ...

Fake friends

In our life we have friends(mostly people that we socialize with),good friends(people that we trust) and best friend(the one that will stay forever).But what happens when people you trust hurt you.Well... than you feel betrayed,sad,you start to have trust issues.That's one of the bigger pain you'll feel,but on the bright side everything is happening for a reasons so that it could teach us a lesson.But sometimes you don't lose your friends because you had fight,sometimes you lose them,because you are tired of getting their attention or maybe you just wait for them to say hi,but they are waiting the same thing so you just don't talk with them. "What happens to often is that two people just stop talking because each one wants to talk to other but they don't want to seem clingy or annoying so they just wait around thinking that if the other person really misses them they'll talk to them & each person pretends like things are perfectly normal so eventu...


Most of the kids are going through some problems in their lifes,but not everybody is going to admit,because they would rather fight their problems,demons alone.They would start asking for some alone time,so that they could figure out what is going on.But the problem is that they will like that alone time,until the point that they will start feeling lonely,soon they will think that nobody likes them,loves them...they will start hating theirselfs and in one point they will start to falling in a depression.Depression is one of the bigger problems in a normal life,but sometimes people doesn't pay much attention to that.In one point of their life  depressed people will reach point that their mentally pain will become too big so they would start transforming it to  physical that is they will begin with SELF-HARM . -  They aren't doing it because they want attention they are doing it simply because they think that they doesn't deserve to life,they think that they ar...